Wednesday, December 13, 2023
LANDER SIMULATION promotes grassroots women’s sport
The history of women’s sport is a story of determination and perseverance.
We have to go all the way back 580 B.C. to discover the exploits of courageous women like those in ancient Greece who, defying the prohibitions in force at the time, decided to set up a sporting competition parallel to the men’s Olympic Games, the “Heraean Games”. Little is known about those women, but they have been followed by hundreds more women pioneers, because of their vision and ability to open doors that they have left open forever.
An example is Senda Berenson, teacher of Physical Education at Smith College in Northampton (Massachusetts) and considered the pioneer of women’s basketball. As long ago as March 1893, she achieved the feat of organising the first game in the history of women’s basketball, playing in front of 800 people.
This great milestone has since been followed by the participation of millions of women who have enjoyed this sport over the years, with basketball being the sport with the highest number of women’s licences to date, at least in Spain.
Women’s sport is nevertheless still a path under construction that both governmental bodies, companies and society as a whole must promote through measures that facilitate equal opportunities.
At LANDER we wanted to join this path by supporting a local school basketball club. From now on, several women’s teams from the LUBERRI team will bear the LANDER name and logo, promoting values that are fundamental for both sport and life, such as team spirit, effort, perseverance and companionship, match after match.
This spirit is consistent with several of the company’s strategic objectives today, such as the promotion of personal health through the SENSES Corporate Health Project and the advancement of equal opportunities between men and women, favouring measures that facilitate work-life balance, and the implementation of egalitarian and other measures.
From LANDER we would like to offer all of our encouragement to our young sportswomen and wish them every success!