Wednesday, March 2, 2022

CECAPTA opens a Truck Simulator Training Centre

A shortage of 50,000 truck drivers, the low degree of professionalisation in the sector, and a high turnover of personnel are putting global supply chains under a lot of stress, and especially shipping companies.

Consequently, companies such as the Mexican company CECAPTA have taken a step forward and are investing a lot of effort in various lines of work such as, for example, offering a specialised training service focused on the professionalisation of drivers.

As a part of this initiative, one of the most important aspects is that CECAPTA's management has opted for practical technological training to be given at its Querétaro Truck Transport Training Centre, which will now include a state-of-the-art truck simulator developed with the latest technology in driving simulators from LANDER.

Furthermore, CECAPTA is authorised by the NSC itself to teach the defensive driving course and issue these certificates on its behalf. This is why large shipping companies entrust the training of their drivers to CECAPTA, which is something that has made it a leading company in its sector.

The NSC is a prestigious American certification created over a century ago and is a guarantee that the driver who receives it is certified in the best defensive driving practices for heavy vehicles.

The training centre with the National Safety Council simulator has modern facilities with a high level of attention to detail, a simulator of American trucks and their real equipment, with virtual scenarios adapted to the signposting and the surroundings in the country, among other aspects. It will also include innovative and intuitive software for the instructor, which contains new features such as new smart qualification reports, which will undoubtedly allow companies to train and assess their drivers in the most efficient way possible.

This experience with the first simulator will pave the way for the other simulators that are to come in the future and that will be deployed in other cities in Mexico. We at LANDER congratulate the directors of CECAPTA for their ambitious project and thank them for the trust they place in us.

Driving simulator room
Simulador de manejo de camión
Truck driving simulator Mexico
Truck driving simulator
Simulador camión americano
Aula de simulación conducción
Driving simulator training
Simulator training room